Table of Contents
Install config sous Linux
Sous Debian 12, lors du 1er test, j'ai reçu ces deux messages d'erreur:
- Error Msg:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'serial
' - Error msg:
Failed uploading: no upload port provided
On va donc, d'abord:
# apt install python3-serial
# /sbin/usermod -aG dialout <USER>
+ reboot
Suivi de l'installation proprement dite :
- Download Aduino IDE:
- Unzip :
$ unzip arduino[…]
- Launch :
$ cd arduino[…]
,$ ./arduino-ide
- Menu File → Preferences → Additional boards manager URLs:
- Menu Tools → Board → Board Manager… → search with ESP32, select de most recent version of ESP32 by Espressif Systems, and Install
- Menu Tools → Board → Esp32 → ESP32 Dev Module
- Menu Tools → Port → /dev/ttyUSB0
- Menu File → example → ESP32 → ChipID → GetChipID
- Upload: Menu Sketch → Upload
- Menu Tools → Serial Monitor
- Change to 115200 Baud
ESP32 Chip model = ESP32-D0WDQ6 Rev 101 This chip has 2 cores Chip ID: 11493932
Serial Output
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial) continue; Serial.println("Ready."); } void loop() { }
Suite illogique des pins GPIO
GPIO-1 en OUTPUT → conflit avec sortie serial
#include <math.h> const float pi = 3.14159; const int ledPin[7] = {5,18,19,21,3,22,23}; void setup() { for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { pinMode (ledPin[i], OUTPUT); } } void loop() { for (float ang=-pi; ang<pi; ang=ang+(2*pi/700)) { int led = (1+std::sin(ang))*7/2; digitalWrite (ledPin[led], HIGH); delay(1); digitalWrite (ledPin[led], LOW); } }
esp32.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/06 20:28 by bruno